Saturday, May 13, 2017

Working from Work

Hi Friends,

I have been working the last 2 days.  As many of you know my work day is 12 hours!!!! I work from 7:00pm to 7:00am.  I am very lucky that I get great breaks.  I get 5 half hour breaks during my 12 hour shift.

Last night I took my goodies that I am putting together in your new catalog package.  I worked on them and was so happy to feel like I was getting something accomplished.  I am taking what I didn't get done last night, and hope to finish them tonight.

I might have them done and mail them out a bit earlier then I had planned.  I love what I do and love sharing with you all.  I love treating my customers with these little extras throughout the year.

I hope you all are having a great week.  Enjoy your upcoming weekend.  I Saturday is my last day and then I will have 3 days off!!! Yay :)

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