Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Busy, busy, busy....

I have mailed out all the class packets for my Dragonfly Dreams online class.  I will be sending the private YouTube link in the next few days.  

I have also mailed out all the January free card packets.  I included a little gift because it took so long for me to get these all mailed out. Due to me being sick I was not able to mail them out in a timely manner.

I have February's hostess code posted and one of the free card packets.  I will get the other 2 posted in the next few days along with the videos.

Thanks so much for all your orders and taking advantage of this great offer!  I love what I do and I love sharing my cards with you all.

I think I am finally on the mend and back to my normal self.  Now if I can just get caught up from being sick for 2 months!!!

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